The rail and road bridges leading into the town of Murray Bridge, South Australia (Photograph Wikimedia Commons).
5MU Murray Bridge SA was heard on their previous frequency of 1458 kHz on the 9th June 1988 via the FRG 7 and 30 metre longwire antenna at Fish Hoek.
Chief Engineer Kevin May kindly responded to my reception report with an interesting letter from their new studio complex - the station had also changed frequency from 1458 Khz to the present 1125 kHz.
5MU antenna masts (photograph courtesy of David Onley).
Audio Clip
The 5 kw signal from 5MU on 1125 kHz can get through remarkably well at times. The brief recording of the station id was made at 1708 UTC on the 13th April 2007 via the FRG7 and 220 metre BOG at Fish Hoek.